Share your expertise
We’re looking for individuals to share some of their expertise on a
Pro Bono basis to build the case for preservation of this precious habitat. Can you help?
SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERTISE – to help manage a positive campaign balancing renewable energy needs and the needs for wildlife, heritage and landscape conservation
ANIMATORS – to help show how 880,000 panels 3.9m metres high will really look spreading from just beyond the Sportsman restaurant all the way to Faversham
PRESS & PR TEAM – to help with contacts and relevant media stories that can accurately communicate what is actually going to happen to this part of the North Kent coast
ENVIRONMENTAL EXPERTISE – any further accurate information on the arguments for renewable energies other than the proposal for the largest ever solar park in the UK on a ‘valued landscape’ site
LEGAL EXPERTISE – to complement the skills we need to understand the details of the planning procedures.
Use our contact page to let us know if you have some time to help or email