In a democracy you can have a voice by voting, but you have to register. It’s the same with the National Infrastructure Planning process – you can have a voice, but you have to register.
During the summer of 2019 there will be an ‘Examination’ held by the government’s Planning Inspectorate. It’s like a public enquiry, so as a member of the public you can have a say, but only if you register now. Registration closes on 28th January 2019.
Registering is simple. You just provide your name, address, email and a brief outline of your point of view – this is called a ‘representation’.
After you register you will become an ‘Interested Party’ and you will have an opportunity to make a more detailed Written Representation about the application when the actual Examination begins.
What points might you include in your ‘representation’?
Firstly, remember what this application is about. It’s not a small solar farm, it is a solar and battery power station at an unprecedented scale. The 880,000 panels would be as high as a double-decker bus and densely-packed in a factory roof-like design. It would smother the green fields just outside Faversham and it would be the same size as Faversham town itself. Imagine a town-sized factory… Europe has no other photovoltaic power stations of this scale, and certainly not this far north. Graveney Marshes were going to be returned to nature (via managed re-alignment) but instead, if given the go-ahead it will be destined to become a desolate brownfield site. And there’s a mega-lithium battery which by itself would be bigger than Faversham Rec and would be used for solar and non-solar energy.
This list of points comes from the structure of their Environmental Statement – one of the important aspects of the application. You might have a view on some or all of these. We can’t guarantee that these points will all be considered, so it’s worth including a few of them.
- Environmental Impact
- Site selection and lack of consideration of suitable alternatives
- Inadequate description of the proposed development
- Legislative and planning policy context
- Landscape and visual impact assessment
- Effect on ecology and wildlife
- Birds – both local and over-wintering
- Hydrology, hydrogeology, flood risk
- Soil and ground conditions
- Cultural heritage and archaeology
- Noise – lots of electrical equipment, especially with the battery
- Socio-economics, effects on tourism
- Recreation and land-use
- Access and traffic, especially during the build
- Climate change – is an area that is at risk of flooding the right place?
- Air quality, both during the build and the operation
- Glint and glare, human health, waste products
- Interaction and accumulation of effects
Our website has lots of information and can provide you with useful ideas and pointers.
Have a think about what matters to you about this proposal, and include a few of these in your submission. It’s best if you use your own words.
Together we can show the true depth of feeling about this proposal.
What happens if hurricane or near hurricane winds get under that lot? Carnage.
Absolutely! Good point. I wonder what kind of safety testing has bend done on this new design of structure?
I’ve registered
Viv Moore PhD. PG.Dip.MBIs
Listed MTUK
Mindfulness Teacher
Brilliant – thanks!
If I could have written the representation in blood then I would have done! But hopefully I have made my views on this uber-shambles very clear. Shame on them all but love and hope to you and the wonderful Graveney Marshes. ??
Thanks Kate – you’re a star!
Should we still use this as contact details/ I have had a request to reply to another new email that looks slightly dubious. Thanks Martin
Sent from my iPad
Hi our new email address is – is that what you needed? Thanks!
we have a wind farm offshore we don’t need solar panels blighting our farm land and spoiling our kids future environment.
l have known the marsh for over 42yrs & until quite recently l grew up & lived near by. To be totally honest l am shocked & horrified that this is even being considered. Graveney Marshes is an area of total true natural beauty & such a natural treasure both to the environment & to the vast wildlife that make the marshes their home; it should actually be a protected wildlife area. This project in all honesty boils down to greed & money with someone high up with no true knowledge of the area & no true evaluation of the detrimental impact it will have on such an area. Graveney, Seasalter & the Marshes have been virtually untouched for many many years hence the abundance of wildlife & nature visitors, so important to protect not destroy.