Did you know that the Cleve Hill Solar Park still has to be approved before it can be built? It has to be ‘examined’ by the Planning Inspectorate in a process that is similar to a public enquiry. This will happen in the summer of 2019 and as a member of the public this is your chance to have a voice in the decision making process.
You can only be involved if you register as an ‘Interested Party’. Simply provide your details and an outline of the main points you intend to make. That’s all it takes.
The registration period has opened today (Wednesday 19th December 2018) and will close on Monday 28th January 2019.
Handy tip: if you register before Christmas it’s one less thing to worry about!
Don’t leave it to the last minute – register today.
What might you include in your representation?
We’ve started to produce a guide to the big application – do take a look if you want to get into the detail as we highlight a good way to get started.
Our website has a lot of information – we’ve been adding things over the past year, and will continue to do so. Here’s a page with lots of the articles previewed which should give you some inspiration.
This list of points follows the structure of the Environmental Statement – one of the important aspects of the application. You might have a view on some or all of these:
- Environmental Impact
- Consultation information
- Site Selection and Consideration of Alternatives
- Development Description
- Legislative and Planning Policy Context
- Landscape and Visual Impact Assessment
- Ecology
- Ornithology
- Hydrology, Hydrogeology, Flood Risk and Ground Conditions
- Cultural Heritage and Archaeology
- Noise
- Socio-Economics, Tourism,
- Recreation and Land-use
- Access and Traffic
- Climate Change
- Air Quality
- Miscellaneous Issues, including glint and glare, human health, telecoms and waste
- Interaction and Accumulation of Effects
We’ve provided some information on our ‘How to Register‘ page, which also includes links to detailed advice from the Planning Inspectorate.
Feel free to add comments to this page or to our Facebook and Twitter areas if you have useful thoughts.