Get ready to register as an Interested Party

We will know if the application gets through the current ‘Acceptance’ stage by Friday 14th December. If it does, then the next stage is ‘Pre-examination’ during which you can register to become an ‘Interested Party’.

Registration ensures that you will receive formal notifications during the Examination process and gives you important participation rights. Any member of the public, business or group can register to participate in the Examination.

  • registering is easy
  • you can do it online or by post
  • you just need to provide a summary of your views for now

This is your only chance to have a voice in the official ‘Examination’ stage that comes later in 2019.

Registration will only be open for 28 days

CaptureThe registration period could open a few days after ‘acceptance’ but sometimes there’s a two to three week gap. Be aware that it might be open over the Christmas break.

To find out when the registration opens, make sure you’ve signed up to the Planning Inspectorate’s project site, by adding your email address on the website in the box indicated on the right.


Find out more detail about the process from the National Infrastructure Planning website.