Devil in the detail

The 2nd stage consultation – open for your feedback until 13 July 2018 – is based on a huge amount of information. The download page for phase two includes:

  • The Preliminary Environmental Impact Report (PEIR). A massive report made up of 44 separate files, 909 Megabytes, and 2,303 pages in total. You will have to navigate a Google Drive link to explore this.
    • There will be many items in here that need to be reviewed. If you want to see their photomontages of the site for example have a look at Volume II B… part three shows after one year and part four shows after ten years.
  • The PEIR Non Technical Summary. This is a 35 page report as a 7.7MB PDF. Watch out because they have provided this as a zipped file. This should provide an overview of the PEIR, but misses out a lot.
  • The Consultation leaflet. This is the 8 page foldout A5 leaflet you may have had through the door. It has a map of the new, expanded, red line boundary.
  • The Site Plan. A simple A3 PDF which shows the new proposed boundary of the site. (The PEIR Non Technical Summary has two A3 maps which are better with more detail).
  • A link to a Feedback Form which goes to an online service. You may have received the paper version of this in the post recently with the Consultation Leaflet.
A huge file in Google is not easy to navigate

We’ve repeatedly pointed out that the developer’s event materials and ‘non-technical’ summaries leave a lot of important information out.

They’ve also made it difficult to read online unless you are very technical. For instance, the “Volume IIA – Figures.pdf” report, which has 64 figures in it, is 166MB in size and has been provided in a Google Drive folder.

Google Drive is a technology that will be unfamiliar to many, and downloading 166MB is not easy if you don’t have the latest technology and a good internet connection.

Considering the challenges faced by rural populations, this type of information provision is woeful.

Here are 46 snippets of what that Figures report shows. If you have a question arising from this, the answer should be in the “Volume I chapters” report. If you get stuck, please comment and we’ll try to help, or ask the developers directly via their contact info.

Site location, overall layout, and detailed layout

Technical drawings

Landscape and visual impact

Ecology and ornithology



Noise, tourism, recreation, traffic, air