Month: June 2018

June 17th is ‘World Day to Combat Desertification’

Sunday 17th June is the World Day to Combat Desertification organised by the United Nations. Unbelievably this is relevant to the UK because the land below the solar panels will be starved of sunlight and rainfall and dried out due to something called PVHI.

Graveney Community Day

Graveney Rural Environment Action Team (GREAT), is hosting its own Community Event at the All Saints Church in Graveney on Saturday 30th June from 10:00 to 14:00. No developers, just local people, independent experts, and some of our elected representatives.

The Cleve Hill Mega Battery proposal

Is this proposal a ‘greenwash’ for hiding the fact that Cleve Hill Solar Park are really intending to build the world’s biggest battery?

Solar farm plans in Faversham increase to 1,000 acres

A massive solar farm proposed near Faversham could be even bigger than originally feared. As the second round of public consultation begins, the developers behind Cleve Hill Solar Park in Graveney have revealed the site would now total 1,000 acres.

Public events – now on – have your say!

The Phase Two consultation events are now on. You can view the full suite of consultation materials on the detailed proposals for Cleve Hill Solar Park. It’s your chance to have your say. The events are happening now – from Wednesday 13th to Saturday 16th June.

Chris Packham warns of ‘ecological apocalypse’ in Britain

From today’s Guardian an article in which Chris Packham warns of ‘ecological apocalypse’ in Britain Chris Packham warns that we are presiding over “an ecological apocalypse” and Britain is increasingly “a green and unpleasant land”. Since Packham … Read more

Panoramic views?

There are some huge files uploaded by Cleve Hill as part of their consultation information, and it can be really difficult to access them. The visualisations specifically are large in both file size and format. … Read more

Please register! (was ‘Sign our petition’)

You’ve probably arrived on this page because you’re concerned about the proposed solar and battery storage power station and you want to do something. If so, great! Please register your voice with the Planning Inspectorate … Read more

Forget solar, it’s about a mega-mega-battery

Hopefully by now, you know that we’re in the six week consultation period in which we can explore some of the details that will be included in the final application. Previously, the profit-motivated Cleve Hill Solar … Read more

Risk to Schedule 1 birds on Seasalter levels

Today we republish an article from an RSPB blog. It provides a fascinating insight into the birds of area just next to the proposed solar power station. In this one article I counted six Schedule … Read more

Take your time filling in the survey

The Phase 2 consultation includes a survey that you can fill in. Some people will have had a paper copy in the post, and for the rest of us the online version is available via … Read more