Public consultation: November 2017 to January 2018
The Environment Agency is currently working on a “Medway Estuary and Swale flood and coastal risk management strategy”. From their website information:
What the strategy will do
The Medway Estuary and Swale flood and coastal erosion risk strategy will assess how to best protect people and properties, designated habitat and agricultural land over the next 100 years. The strategy will identify the best technical solutions for flood defence, while also considering the impacts and benefits for local communities, the environment and the cost to the taxpayer.
Much of the area is nationally and internationally designated habitat which will be lost as sea levels rise and ‘squeeze’ it against the existing defences. Part of this strategy will be to plan how these designated habitats can be retained by realigning defences or creating compensatory areas in other locations.
The public consultation (including an online route) on the proposed strategy options is now open:
Public consultation: November 2017 to January 2018
This will give the public the opportunity to discuss the draft preferred options proposed in the strategy report with the Environment Agency. Communities will have the opportunity to view information, look at the final options, ask questions and provide valuable input to the project team.
“Benefit Area 6” is the part that covers the Graveney and Nagden Marshes.